About Our Leaders:
We have a team of leaders who are dedicated to serving, teaching and directing the young people in this ministry. They are all united in their desire to teach the children the word of God and Godly principals that the children will be able to use not only today but for the rest of their lives. Our hope is that these children will not only learn lessons about God, but that they each begin and continually develop a personal relationship with God that will continue to grow and mature throughout their lives.
Service Information:
Our services are held on every other Friday and they begin at 7pm
and end approximately 8:30pm.
Dinner is served at every service and is provided and prepared
by Mrs. Beth Hinkle.
A typical youth meeting includes pledges (to the American Flag, Christian Flag and Bible), worship, offering, teaching and prayer.
During our teaching time, the youth is divided into two separate teaching groups. The two age groups are: ages 4-12 and ages 13-18. This is to ensure the teaching is receivable, applicable and easy to understand for each group.
On special occasions the children will be asked to sing, dance, participate in a reading or drama for Sunday morning, or special services. There will be practice during the youth services for these special events.

George & Beth Hinkle
Reverend Jen
Schwitz &
Christine Young
Ava and Juanera teaching the younger kids about Superheros